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LCCC Vision 2025

10,000 Degrees of Impact

By 2025, 10,000 individuals will earn an LCCC degree or credential that will…

Impact Individuals and Families by

  • Increasing earning potential 
  • Providing opportunities to succeed in careers of interest and passion
  • Providing access to affordable higher education
  • Increasing personal growth and capacities to thrive in life and careers
  • Increasing economic mobility and financial security
  • Creating an inspirational and aspirational ripple effect

Impact the Economy and Community by

  • Making Lorain County a talent destination by increasing educational attainment that out-paces region and fuels the economy
  • Providing business and industry access to work-ready talent and growth resources
  • Helping all communities prosper by increasing household incomes and home ownership and engaging citizens
  • Advancing Lorain County as a valued place to live, learn, work, and play

Five Areas of Focus

1.  Student Focused – Expand Participation

Prepare Working-Age Adults for New Economy
Integrate with community partners to engage and prepare more working-age adults with the necessary credentials to succeed in good careers.

Prepare Next Generation
Deepen partnerships with K-12 to increase the number of high school students graduating with college credit and/or industry credentials. Build intentional bridges from high school to college and career pathways.

2.  Success Focused – Increase Completion and Academic Success

Broaden Programs and Services of University Partnership 
Reduce students’ time and cost by mapping and developing efficient, intentional transfer pathways and support services through University Partnership. Create strong industry partnerships aligned with University Partnership programs. Expand LCCC’s applied bachelor’s degree to meet employer needs and reduce student costs.

Expand Wrap-Around Services 
Through a caring campus culture, create equitable opportunities by understanding students’ needs and working to reduce barriers that impede success. Leverage LCCC’s Advocacy and Resource Center and community partners to expand wrap-around services, including mental health, emergency aid, access to food, technology, transportation, tutoring, and more.

Prepare Students with Skills for Success in Career and Life
Provide broad educational experiences to prepare students with capacities and skills to thrive in a changing world. Focus areas include technology proficiency, virtual work skills, equity-minded inclusive leaders, lifelong learning, entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, strong communication and problem-solving abilities, social responsibility, application of digital technology skills, and ability to adapt and change.

Deepen the Student Experience with Applied Engagements 
Enhance student connection and engagement by creating co-curricular opportunities to apply communication, problem-solving, teamwork, critical thinking, innovation, personal growth, and development.

3.  Future Focused – Foster Future Success 

Expand Earn and Learn Models
Ensure all students in applied and transfer programs have relevant experiential learning opportunities, including embedded internships, apprenticeships, robust earn-and-learn opportunities, virtual internships, job shadowing, company tours, and more.

Expand Career Awareness and Placement Services 
Identify workforce needs by expanding labor market insights to inform LCCC programs and the community about new careers, in-demand jobs, and the changing economic landscape. Facilitate connections between students, graduates, and employers to fill workforce needs.

Expand Pathways to Emerging and In-demand Jobs and Industries 
Learn from data and employer partners about emerging careers and industries. Use the info to expand LCCC educational programs; leverage technology and partnerships to create accessible, flexible,student-centered pathways spanning non-credit to advanced degrees.

4.  Work Focused – Improve Economic Competitiveness

Elevate Skills of Workforce as Economy Shifts
Integrate with workforce and employer partners to rapidly upskill the workforce for the changing economy; leverage growth in virtual work to bring jobs to the community’s talent.

Stimulate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Leverage LCCC services and facilities to drive economic growth and innovation to develop, attract, and retain area businesses and industry; help accelerate invention, commercialization, and entrepreneurship.

5. Community-Focused – Enhance Quality of Life

Partner with Community Organizations to Address Common Community Challenges and Opportunities 
Partner appropriately with other organizations and entities leading efforts to address common community areas of importance such as transportation, digital connectivity, food insecurity, health and wellness, and drug addiction. 

Leverage LCCC as a Community Resource 
Bring value to the community by leveraging amenities and programs to expand personal enrichment and lifelong learning opportunities, including the cultural and culinary arts, entertainment, and health and wellness.